Nuevo Dragón City

Sergio de la Torre (MX )
Nuevo Dragón City
Nuevo Dragón City, Sergio de la Torre, MX 2008, 13 min
Nuevo Dragón City, Sergio de la Torre, MX 2008, 13 min
Nuevo Dragón City focuses on identity from an entirely different and surprisingly unique point of view. Who would expect to find a Chinese community in a Mexican video? However, it does refer to a local news event, in which a group of Mexican-Chinese teenagers barricaded themselves up in an abandoned building in Tijuana. It reflects a more diversified society than the folkloric, homogenous image this country has abroad. It is a hybrid world, like so many other parts of the world. The event itself, what these young people accomplished, is duplicated in the work of Sergio de la Torre. It portrays a reaction to the outside world from which they voluntarily isolate themselves because, somehow, they feel rejected. The film portrays an isolated group of people, incapable of adapting their identity to changes in social and historical circumstances. This group symbolizes border areas in general, typified by Tijuana on the US border; a place where Mexico’s relationship with its powerful northern neighbour is a constant matter of debate that simultaneously and paradoxically ignores another force already emerging within its own borders.Author: Eva Sangiorgi


Sergio de la Torre, MX 2009, Film, 12 min