Heinz Meynhardt - Wildschwein ehrenhalber

Heinz Meynhardt (DE )
Heinz Meynhardt - Wildschwein ehrenhalber
Wildschwein ehrenhalber, DDR 1977, © Karl-Heinz Carpentier & Wolfgang Hupe & Heinz Meynhardt

In East German TV in a serial in three parts an electrical engineering technician and hobby biologist tells about his drawn-out rapprochement to a sounder of wild boar. In Super 8 he has documented sensational observations as "wild boar in honours". When having been accorded by the horde to participate in the extensive cleaning rituals, he has reached the peak of acceptance. We show the first part of the serial.

Karl-Heinz Carpentier & Wolfgang Hupe & Heinz Meynhardt, DDR 1977, 30 min; from the archive: Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv. By courtasy of Margot Meynhardt.