Solaeuftsbusiness!com – Talkshow

Solaeuftsbusiness!com – Talkshow

«From screening to panel, from the exhibition to sociable small talk: A festival visit is strenuous, but: that's how business works! Millions of other situations can be commented on in a sweepingly cynical yet apposite way, always with the same words that Solaeuftsbusiness, the agency for business culture, and its projects give a name. Because: business is long since everywhere, even in art and in Halle an der Saale.

The up-and-coming talkmasters Moritz Metz and Micha Blochwitz smartly lead through the offbeat programme with local guest and guests from abroad, with wicked business games and everything else a festival visitor might need on a Saturday evening.»

Saturday 04. 09. 22:00