The Man Who Was Everywhere II.

Laurence Payot & Juan Morard (FR )
The Man Who Was Everywhere II.

Saturday 26 June, in Fribourg, a strange man was reported. Some people saw him at different places at the same time, some say they were followed, other say they saw him come and go from opposite directions… For the Belluard Bollwerk International Festival, Laurence Payot proposed a performance that would infiltrate in the streets of Fribourg, and create a new urban myth. Like a theatre without walls, a staging of the everyday landscape, the work reveals common fears of the unknown and stranger, of the clone and the look-alike… For the performance, 23 men, from 20 to 30 years old, 1meter70 and 1meter85 height wore black shoes, blue jeans, grey T-shirts, purple hoodies, and white plastic bags, and wander through the streets of the city at a timed pace, following a precise route, all adopting the same attitude, and responding to the curious passers-by with a mechanical "I don’t have the time".

6:02 min