Wir bauen ein Haus

Leonhard Fürst (DE )
Wir bauen ein Haus
Wir bauen ein Haus, Leonhard Fürst, BRD 1958
Courtesy of Ifage filmproduktion GmbH/Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv

Wir bauen ein Haus propagates the suburban construction of private residences as a possibility to escape from the poisoned big city life. The large-scale housing construction is compared with the unhumanity of industrial production methods; Workers in fabrics, they all produce pieces for the finished product, everything is highly mechanised. In the same manner, living in the large-scale houses is mechanised. In contrast, the homestead stands for savety for the family, for a home and social values, even though also here – despite the possibility of  tax depreciation – rational building technics should help reduce high costs for builders.

Leonhard Fürst, BRD 1958, 12 min